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How to be Happy - Single Gal Style
🎥 VLOG premiering Valentine's Day 2021 | (C) All Rights Reserved ⚖️
🔥Hot on the heels 👠 of her guest appearance on The Dr. Phil Show, $ONALI ₵HANDRA advises single ladies (and interested single men) on how to be happy.
Everyone is "single" at some point, and it's best to be independently happy! That special someone should only ADD to your happiness!
As the Virgin Millennial Lady Dancer (with a Psychology minor from Rutgers University), $ONALI ₵HANDRA can advise single people how to be happy, particularly in the COVID pandemic where loneliness has surged.
This is a captivating topic for audiences - one that is informative, motivating, and intriguing.

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